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Welcome to Dickie Doo's Fabulous "Bucs" Page
Direct from Sunny Meadow Oaks, Florida, U.S.A

Keyshown Johnson says "Give me the ball coach"

Well, another year, another football season, another large group of Tampa Bay Residents cheering on what they consider a GREAT team. With the various new players which the Bucs have aquired and the retention of a number of great current players, who were free agents, this should be an outstanding team. We now have everything we need to move the Bucs to the top of the heap, and stay there for the entire year. I personally believe Brad Johnson is going to make a big difference as quarterback. We thank you Mr King, but you need a few seasons and a little more experience to carry this team, or any other, to the top. Now its up to you Coach Gruden. Its in your and your assistants hands to take one great group of football players all the way to the Super Bowl. No excuses, just alot of good decisions, good leadership, and making this team a winning team.


Coach Jon Gruden (Chucky)

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