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Game Reports

Stay tuned right here for an update of the games soon after the games are over.

Not including the pre-season games, so far we have played 10 games, every one of them good games if your a Bucs Fan. We have won all but two games, but I am afraid to say I believe we had an angel on our shoulders. The defense is right in their and they are showing just what they are made of, good stuff. Warren Sapp is coming back this season and looking like his old self. Would love to see Alstott making more plays, but I am sure his time will come. Personally believe that Tupa is a better kicker, at least up to this point in time, and good old Gramatica just keeps putting those points up on the board. Difficult to single out all the good players the Bucs now have and if they work as a real team, they should have a great season. Best I can say, whether they win or lose, I'm still behind them. Every game they have played so far, they seem to be getting better and better. They apparently are not going to blow out their opponents, but just keep, or get, a slight edge so that they end up on top. Brad Johnson, even with his injuries, appears to be clicking. Receivers are receiving. The Offense is finally making some good plays and touchdowns. Again, as I see it, the Bucs are a darn good team, not one that is a powerhouse, but one that wins, taking advantage of lots of turn-overs and making plays that previously they seem weak at.  Keep it up Bucs - We love it.

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The fans this year seem to be more into it then in previous years. Some of the costumes and make-up are becoming way out. Might find some fans wearing swords through their heads eventually, like the cheese heads. More power to you fans. Have a ball and keep cheering those Bucs on. But please, keep it calm, cool and collected. Lets not show the world that we are a bunch of bad losers or just plain rude. Keep that cheering going and that team of yours will follow your lead. GO Bucs.